December 8, 2017

I had my first panic attack when my twins were two years old. They were in the backseat when, suddenly, I felt like I was having a heart attack and drove to the ER. The attacks never stopped coming. For more than six years, they came on so bad that I couldn’t be around people and could barely take care of my 8 kids. I almost lived in hermit mode afraid of my panic rising up from being awkward or scared. I saw 5 doctors including a neurologist, physical therapists, gynecologist, regular doctors, and many ER docs. No one could figure anything out with blood work, MRIs or any of their tools. They told me I was totally fine. I couldn’t believe I was going to have to just hang in there and call this life.

When I heard about what Isaac could do, I was at a business event where he introduced himself and his work. At this event my nervous system was completely shot! I was at this point my heart felt like it was going to give out and I had lost use of my hands. I couldn’t use even use my fingers but was trying to call Kaiser to get to the emergency room. As soon as he spoke about what he did, I came up to him and asked him to treat me right away… or I was off to the ER. At this point, I was afraid of not being able to get home without passing out on the plane. He was my first glimpse of hope and the possibility of having a life. He treated me right there in the conference room and it was night and day difference. My body and stress levels immediately calmed down. I felt so much more at ease and at peace physically like I could hold on again. He explained he was treating my nervous system and gave me coaching on how to manage my central nervous system stress and manage the physical strain that comes along with it.

We went our separate ways and I kept in contact with him; I was going through an incredibly stressful cross-country move with my family and eight kids, the resulting stress left me bedridden for months. Any exertion and I had to go lay back down. I felt like I was going to pass out after doing little things. I wasn’t able to do anything with my kids, so my husband and mom had to do everything around the house. We flew Isaac out for treatment. The day after he left, I was able to pick my kids up from school: something I hadn’t been able to do in almost a whole year. I had tears in my eyes, things were so different. I was able to appreciate the little things that I took for granted. I remember bending over and picking up my baby from the crib again. My heart sang over the little things that I hadn’t been able to do in months. I attribute the healing to the physical treatment and the coaching I did with Isaac. The treatment took out the physical strain, but the coaching side lead me to address the SOURCE of the problem. That kept the physical problem from being recreated by an emotional one. While the treatment side was needed, the coaching was necessary for the long term.

Through our work, I discovered I’m good at taking life as it comes and handing things “with ease” but internally I’m struggling and don’t vocalize it. Isaac knew this by observing me around people: I would pretend things were OK and my lymph nodes would inflame to a point I couldn’t even touch the sides of my neck. We worked together, and, after one conversation on the phone, I could feel my whole body relax. Our coaching journey lead me through inward change and intentionally working with my thoughts on how to approach situations. He took me through a process and system for thoughts and awareness. Developing new thought patterns are work and it’s like building new muscles for thought channels and deleting the old ones that were causing me harm. I was afraid of making ripples in the water and being who I really am. We pushed through the muck of the person I’ve created myself to be, instead of who I actually am. Now I have the freedom to not only express it, but to be OK with it ,and who I am. In my first marriage I was completely silent, people thought I had the life of my dreams and the best relationship but, in reality, I was totally miserable.

Now, I am able to move mentally to the next step and have an immediately physical response that’s positive. Continuing with the coaching work to self heal myself, I’m able to do things around the house I’ve never been able to before. For the last seven years my mom would come twice a week to help me with meals, laundry etc. After the work with Isaac, I realized I’ve been doing it all by myself in our new far larger house. Even with my husband gone on the weekends, I’m able to take care of everything and even wrestle the little ones to put diapers on! I would never be able to handle or survive this before! WOW! Isaac’s generous heart, plus the way he approaches people with such ultimate care and incredible listening with empathy, allows me to express it and know that he’s not just waiting to speak. I’ve been to therapists where someone tells you how you should be feeling and what your problem is, but the coaching process with Isaac feels like natural growth into who I’m meant to be.

Never in a million years would I think that I would have needed something like this for my physical needs and my soul. This wouldn’t have been possible without the physical side of treatment and the coaching side working together. Isaac and his work amaze me, it has been a life changer for me, give yourself the opportunity to let it be for you.

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