
December 8, 2017

I joined Beometry Bootcamp because I had my 40th high school reunions coming up that summer and didn’t want to be the biggest person there. I had just lost my job, was at one of my lowest physical points ever having not exercised in over 8 months. Being at a low point mentally and physically I didn’t know what would be behind that door and I didn’t know if I was going to make a fool of myself not being able to keep up with everyone else. I just knew I wanted to feel better about myself. There I was just sitting in my car afraid to go in. The minute I walked in it was so welcoming, positive and accepting. People just accepted me and were so encouraging. The workouts were challenging but I was able to feel like coming back because of the way I was coached. I was made to feel OK to be myself and to try new things. That’s what has kept me coming back after all this time. The coach’s not only teach they encourage to help us improve at the same time not shutting us down or making us feel some way about dealing with our bodies. The culture at the gym is intentionally fostered that everyone can do something and that everyone can improve. I walked in at 291 pounds and was able to drop to 258 pounds because of this culture.

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