Denise H.

December 8, 2017

In 2000 my boss’s comment on how much I ate got me to look at myself and realize that I was not paying attention to my eating and health. My journey started in my late 40’s, I joined many different gyms and found all the equipment overwhelming and during my time before training at Beometry worked with five different trainers in Tacoma. My experience left me upset with the training industry; I felt like I wasn’t taken seriously because I was only working with them one time a week, I got constantly set up with the “new guy” because my old trainer quit and a general trainer lack of education left me with three different training injuries. The first one was from a trainer that didn’t listen to me when I told them something didn’t feel right that resulted in an elbow problem that required cortisone shots and still catches today, the second one from a trainer that didn’t know about muscle recovery and rest and my left oblique snapping while doing a BOSU ball exercise, finally in November 2014 I was doing deadlifts in a group training session and the trainer wasn’t watching that I was doing it correctly because they were so busy with so many people; I was lifting a trap bar and felt the lower part of my spine just crush together and collapse. I felt this POP and immediately lowered the bar. I laid down and the my muscles started to burn and it felt like fire was spreading my body. I was angry! My abs were so strained from the injury that the first doctor thought I had acid reflux and told me not to come back, she thought it was a psychological issue. I suffered for six months not being able to sit, stand and barely walking until I saw another doctor who immediately started me with nerve medicine and Physical therapy. PT focused on the injury for a brief amount of time but I wanted my function back so I knew I needed more help. The problem was after my injury I didn’t trust anyone, I was afraid to get hurt again, tired of high turnover trainers and needed a true professional. I found Beometry and there’s a huge difference between working out at Beometry and other gyms. Isaac is educated to the degree he knows how every part of the body operates and how it affects every other part; they educated me on anatomy, how to do it properly, and taught me about how we are all different and our individual bodies need different, safe and effective movements. I appreciate how the trainers take the valued time to educated themselves for their clients. I’ve lost 23 pounds but more importantly they’ve taught me how to come out of injuries I didn’t know I ever could and thought I would have to live with all my life! Now I’m able to bend, life, stay active and feel good! My attitude has completely changed since being out of pain and I highly respect the work they do at Beometry. If I knew about this work when younger I would be working here. I tell all my friends and family about them. Their success is fool proof and if they moved to Japan, Europe or anywhere in the world I would follow them if I could!

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