Ken Schmidt

December 8, 2017

After experiencing constant low back pain from tight hips and weak abs I knew I needed to start moving on a regular basis. I had seen Physical Therapists but it was always a temporary loosening up for a bit and then right back into sitting all day at the desk. A more regular movement solution was needed. I saw the boot camp and knew I wanted a group training program, I had taken group exercise classes before but none of them clicked with me, mostly on a personal level, I wanted to be motivated by the other people in the session to work hard and I didn’t want to think about what I was going to do and waste time trying to figure it out.

I started two years ago and have kept coming since with my wife Heidi. Years later it’s easy to show up and the motivation is never a problem with the constant positive reinforcement and personal attention. The cultivation of people getting to know each other but not excessive chit chat makes me feel like I’m part of something but don’t have to be “in the club”. My initial experience was I was out of shape and unable to do the exercises but knew I would be able to eventually. That has paid off as I’m absolutely healthier, toned, feel really strong and flexible. The perfect combination of flexibility, cardio and strength everyday leaves me feeling great and my heart rate up for a couple hours after each workout.

Even working out only six times a month at Beometry Boot Camp I’ve lost 10 pounds, went down a pant size and I’m able to keep it off. In only six hours a month of exercise. Best of all for me my back is looser, the pain has gone away and my abs have strengthened and my hips lengthened. The program and coaches motivate me to be healthier. I love that my wife and I go to to the same gym and can commiserate the burn and share the joy! We are both 42 and easily in the best shape of our adult lives. We are healthy and strong, and we’re being excellent role model to our kids. We’re mentally sharp because we’re exercising regularly and our diet and exercise have become an important part of our daily schedules. It’s awesome having a strong wife to help me lift things! The Beometry Family is THE primary reasons for our success. The support system in and out of the gym has been INCREDIBLE. Thank you for your commitment to us and the supportive environment you create at Beometry it has truly changed our lives!

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