December 8, 2017

Being an active person with a busy lifestyle my health is important to me. I’ve been a Gymnastics coach for 8 years and have tried working out at the YMCA doing my own workouts, taking classes, doing boot camps, kickboxing and yoga. When I was working out at other place though I would seem to increase my agility, stamina and legs but my arms and upper body had a hard time being as strong. I could tell my body wasn’t balanced and I had been suffering from elbow pain in both elbows for over two years. Beometry boot camp is a full body workout, we stretch, do mobility work and strength training. Because of the proper stretching and strengthening my elbow pain has completely gone away. It’s unique to Beometry and I appreciate it, they focus on mobility as well as strength and you don’t get that at other gyms.

They teach us the things to do as well as compliment us, use our names and actually work with us as individuals. Everyone is able to work at their own level and not do any extreme exercise or mobility movements they’re not ready for, there are always levels to advance to and to go back to. I feel like I’m evenly strong now and I’m able to do things that I never knew I could do! As a Gymnastics coach it’s helped me grow by learning about the relationship between flexibility, mobility and strength and changed the way I look at developing a five year old student. I didn’t look at the bigger picture before and now I know how to develop my kids so they aren’t in pain when they grow older.

I’ve been able to incorporate the longevity and safety in the boot camp program to my own coaching. I recommend everyone to Beometry boot camp because there is intention behind each program and the coach’s customize the workouts to help us reach our goals. They’re always learning new techniques and skills and teaching us. The personal interest they have in us as people keep me coming back no matter how busy I get!

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