Holly C.

December 8, 2017

I met Isaac while he was going through massage school in Federal Way. I had torn my left rotator cuff doing a handstand in Yoga class. At one point it hurt so much, I couldn’t even lift my arm. The doctor gave me ibuprofen and told me to ice it, but it never recovered. Being at work at a computer all day, my hands and forearms were always tight, and had been receiving treatment at the school for some time for these two problems. The first time I had a treatment with Isaac, he treated my shoulder and flexor tendons for my hand. Not only did my shoulder pain go away, but I felt all this blood flow go to my hand and couldn’t believe how alive my hand felt. My other one felt dead in comparison and it used to be my good hand! Of course I asked him to treat the other one as well. I followed him from his school when he graduated and came to see him for my left hip. After sleeping on my left side too often it hurt and ached all the time; I felt like it was stuck and tried stretching, heat, yoga and other massage for six months. Then I had one treatment session with Isaac and, two hours later after I woke from a nap on my couch, the pain and stiffness was completely gone! I can’t believe I had been suffering with it for six months! It’s amazing the healing and restoration to functionality Isaac can accomplish. Here’s an email I sent him after one of our sessions:

Thanks so much for the craniosacral treatment sessions. I want to let you know how much of a difference it has made. The adjustments you made evened the shape of my skull and eye socket so much that it changed the shape of my eye and improved my vision! The headaches I was having after the treatment sessions were because my glasses were no longer the correct prescription. Now my vision has improved enough so that I can use contact lenses. Thanks to you I can stop wearing glasses! The reason I sought treatment was for my neck and arm pain, which has also improved. The improvement in my vision was a completely unexpected side benefit. Thanks again for all you do 🙂

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